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BoxLang Logo & CFML

  • BDD Behavior Driven Development
  • TDD Test Driven Development
  • Mocking Mocking & Stubbing

TestBox is a next-generation testing framework for the BoxLang JVM language and ColdFusion (CFML) based on BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for providing a clean, obvious syntax for writing tests. It contains not only a testing framework, console/web runner, assertions, and expectations library but also ships with MockBox, A mocking and stubbing companion.

TestBox Logo MockBox Logo


You can start quickly with TestBox in your applications by leveraging CommandBox, our CLI and package manager. Follow the simple commands below to install the latest stable or bleeding edge version of TestBox.

// Install latest stable version
box install testbox —saveDev
// Install bleeding edge version
box install testbox@be —saveDev

You can also visit Visit https://testbox.ortusbooks.com/getting-started/overview for a quick reference guide.

Beautiful Syntax For BDD / xUnit


    function run(){
        describe( "My calculator features", () => {
            beforeEach( () => {
                variables.calc = new Calculator()
            } )
            // Using expectations library
            it( "can add", () => {
                expect( calc.add(1,1) ).toBe( 2 )
            } )
            // Using assert library
            test( "it can multiply", () => {
                assertIsEqual( calc.multiply(2,2), 4 )
            } )
        } )

    * My calculator features
       property calc;
       function setup(){
           calc = new Calculator()
       // Function name includes the word 'test'
       // Using expectations library
       function testAdd(){
           expect( calc.add(1,1) ).toBe( 2 )
       // Any name, but with a test annotation
       // Using assertions library
       function itCanMultiply(){
           assertIsEqual( calc.multiply(2,2), 4 )

    function run(){
        describe( "My calculator features", () => {
          beforeEach( () => {
              variables.calc = new Calculator()
          } );
          // Using expectations library
          it( "can add", () => {
              expect( calc.add(1,1) ).toBe( 2 )
          } );
          // Using assert library
          test( "it can multiply", () => {
              $assert.isEqual( calc.multiply(2,2), 4 )
          } );
      } );
    * My calculator features
       property calc;
       function setup(){
           calc = new Calculator()
       // Function name includes the word 'test'
       // Using expectations library
       function testAdd(){
           expect( calc.add(1,1) ).toBe( 2 )
       // Any name, but with a test annotation
       // Using assertions library
       function itCanMultiply() test{
           $assert.isEqual( calc.multiply(2,2), 4 )

Beautiful & Customizable Reports

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Master TestBox with Comprehensive Training:

Unlock the full potential of TestBox with our comprehensive training programs. We offer a variety of options, from beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced workshops. Enhance your skills, optimize your testing processes, and become a TestBox pro.

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CBOX-205 : BDD & TDD CFML Development

CBOX-205 is one of our core courses that focus on testing principles, TDD (Test Driven Development), BDD (Behavior Driven Development), mocking and automation. Read More +

CBOX-205 : BDD & TDD CFML Development

CBOX-205 is one of our core courses that focus on testing principles, TDD (Test Driven Development), BDD (Behavior Driven Development), mocking and automation. Read More +

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